My Journey with Glass
My Journey with Glass

My name is Carol Personte and I’m a glass artist in Webster, New York.
There is something fascinating about glass, how it changes and plays with light, how it nourishes us and gives us a literal window to the world…how it’s hard and brittle and breakable but at the same time unbreakable. How fire softens and melts it and allows us to create a thing beautiful or funky or functional.
The Bee’s Knees and other Flights of Fancy was born from a lifelong need to make stuff, any kind of stuff! It was a creative life of wild and reckless abandon. That changed the moment I sat down at the torch. I can say that I am now happily obsessed with the wonderful medium of glass and the meditative process to create with it.
Explore these pages to see, to shop, to experience the many ways glass can be used in jewelry and other “fanciful stuff.”